TRBeaudet & Co.
Our Company Statement of Purpose and Goals
We are a family unit focused on the support and enhancement of the Fiber Arts in our national community, primarily in the craft of weaving and all areas related, Re: Fibers, Yarns, Looms and all related auxiliary equipment including Wet Finishing.
We authored and published Textile Design, Weave Formation, a 2 Volume extensive fabric design program based on the curriculum offered at the Rhode Island School of Design as required to meet the BS degree in engineering 1958 This design program is for those weavers wishing to enhance their design expertise beyond the block method most common among hand weavers.
We are and have been closely aligned with the Leclerc Loom Co and M. Brassard Yarns since 1995 as a consultant and dealer . Our new Loom and Equipment sales are exclusive to Leclerc and our Yarn sales exclusive to M. Brassard.
Our recently initiated Yarn Kit Program is focused on Yarns utilized in the craft of weaving and designed to entice, and make it convenient in every way for weavers to simply sit down and start weaving, regardless the season or the time of day.
We do restore, refurbish, and retrofit Looms of all makes and models for special needs.
We are primarily an internet business. We maintain a studio and shop for our needs, however, we are not a store front business. We do not keep regular shop hours. Each member of our team travel, routinely visiting customers as a service. We are company, not in any legal sense of the word, but as family members that enjoy spending time with one another. We enjoy the company. We invite visits. Call ahead for scheduling a day and time.
Keep that Beater moving, it's good for our mental and physical health.
Tom Beaudet
about TRBeaudet
75+ years in textiles, and counting.
Grew up in Putnam, a textile mill town on the Quinebaug river in northeast Ct.
At the start of the industrial revolution,(for New England that was the start of the textile industry
in 1790 with Slater and his cotton yarn mill in Pawtucket RI and then Lowell with the first powered loom
at Waltham) the colonial era mills needed rivers and streams to turn the water wheels that powered the mills. And New England had an abundance of them. Every town and village that had a stream with enough flow to turn a Wheel had a mill. Mills of all sizes were started.
From my earliest memories in the 1930’s as a child, I recalled daily the hum of the spinning frames, and the symphony of the looms and together with the mill bells and the train whistles was what I grew up with. That was my life.
At 15 I had my first job in the Mill. My older brother was just discharged from the army after the second world war and he took a job weaving in a friends small family owned woolen mill. They needed a Jack Spool winder to wind bobbins for the C and K woolen looms. I was on summer vacation so I was elected.
I took part time jobs through high school and during the summers in various local mills from woolen, cotton to synthetic. I learned to start warps in a fancy woolen mill Re: read drafts, build fancy pattern chains(28s pick and pick C & K looms), laying out yarn blends for color match, etc., and then on graduation in 1948 went full time in the mill. Went into the army when Korea came on..
On discharge I returned to the mill and decided I wanted to make a career of it. I enrolled at the Rhode Island School of Design full time days in the textile engineering program and for the first two years I wove nights in a Linen upholstery mill. The last 2 years nights as understudy for the mill designer of a men’s and women’s wear worsted mill.
On graduation from RISD with a BS TexEng, 1958, I went with Milliken Inc.(woolen div) Farnsworth mill Lisbon ME as overseer of weaving, 1961 I was promoted and transferred to ass. Plant supt, Hatch mill. Columbus NC.
1965 joined Albany Felt(Albany Int,) as design Eng, Paper Makers felts Albany NY
1970 promoted to manager Product design and quality control and 1974 to production manager, Globe Albany div (Albany Int) Buffalo NY
1976 joined Swiss owned Tetko inc. Swiss Silk weavers and fabricators (screen printing and bolting cloth) as Gen Manager US Mfg. operations Depew NY
1980 Retired from Corp world.
1980 1990 Corp. Consultant, Textile Ind.
1990 to current, TRBeaudet. Sales, service, consultant. New, pre-owned, Handlooms & aux. equip.
Technical consultant -Leclerc Looms
Author and publisher "Textile
Design, Weave Formation"
BS Mech. Eng. Textile major 1958 RISD
Executive training, Harvard Business School 1975
@ Canisius College, Bufalo NY
We are a dynamic family group, this old timer passing the torch to the next generation of fiber artists.
And the next generation passing up to us how to cope with :) and benefit from all this new internet and cell phone stuff.
That is as good as it gets
A new service for all Weaving Guilds.
With our customer service programs now redesigned to virtual meets via Zoom or Google meet, we are introducing a new Weaving Guild service free to any guild in North America(US and Canada)
If your guild has a loom, or number of looms you need help on restoring to original operating condition, contact us. We can probably help.and the service is gratis. And we offer the full line of new Leclerc hand looms and e …quipment , all makes and models of preowned handlooms and equipment, we retrofit and upgrade all makes and models of Hand Looms for special needs and types of product.
We offer consulting services live via Google meet, zoom or live phone for special projects or diagnosing and correcting loom problems,
We authored and published.
Textile Design, Weave Formation
A two book fabric design structured manual covering step by step instruction for creating a woven fabric starting with
the Basic one warp, one filling(weft) in book 1 to the Compound multiple warp, multiple filling(weft) in Book 2.
(Contact us for complete details)
All that and we offer the very best customer service in the market, bar none, when answering any of your info requests, That is our reputation
Tom Beaudet
As a dealer and the national technical consultant for Leclerc Looms, contact us, Weavebirds are our forte'. Anything Weavebird call us Due to the Pandemic I have ceased all on site customer visits, shop or office, closed my shop and studio in Westfield MA and moved my sales and consulting services to Canton MA
All sales, service and product consulting is conducted via my web site, TRBeaudetco.com, phone TRBeaudet@gmail.com, Google Meet or Facetime. All texting ceased. Tom Beaudet
TRBeaudet & Co launch a new weaving program catering to Novice weavers. The purpose is, to aid Novice weavers by enhancing their expertise with a better understanding of the craft of weaving, the process, and the equipment they have at hand to bond with in accomplishing their goals.
In conjunction with Maurice Brassard & Fils Inc.yarn c
TRBeaudet & Co launch a new weaving program catering to Novice weavers. The purpose is, to aid Novice weavers by enhancing their expertise with a better understanding of the craft of weaving, the process, and the equipment they have at hand to bond with in accomplishing their goals.
In conjunction with Maurice Brassard & Fils Inc.yarn co. we are offering a Yarn Kit that is basic in content, fully contained and cost prudent.
For the not so novice weaver, these Kits are a bargain for the yarn alone. Top of the line M. Brassard yarns with shipping included for the lower 48.
The future is now, our M.Brassard Yarn program has been launched at very enticing low prices. Let us prove it.
Kit 1,
8/2 Cotton Warp and Filling(Weft) in 4 Shaft Plain Weave. Can be woven on 2 Shafts. Adaptable to Rigid Heddle Loom. 7 1/2lb Tubes 3 1/2lbs Yarn.
Kit 2
8/2 Cotton Warp and Filling in 4 Shaft Plain Weave, can be woven on 2 Shafts. Adaptable to Rigid Heddle Loom. 7, 1/2lb Tubes, 3 1/2lbs Yarn
Kit 3.
8/2 Cotton Warp and Filling in 4 Shaft Plain Weave, can be woven on 2 Shafts, Adaptable to Rigid Heddle Loom. 7, 1/2lb Tubes, 3 1/2lbs Yarn
Kit 4. We will recalculate for any weaving width loom and you can choose any of the 81 Colors in the M.Brassard 8/2 Cotton list to replace. 4, 1/2lb Tubes,2lbs Yarn.
Kit 5. This is a neat fabric. The Treadle TieUp is a simple 2/2 twill but the Warping Draw gives it unique character. Could be woven for many purposes. 7, 1/2lb Tubes, 3 1/2lbs 8/2 Cotton Yarn.
Kit 6. Second only in size to the Bath Sheet. A generous size towel with a weave that gives it distinction. All that from a basic 8/2 Cotton. 4, 1/2 lb Tubes, 2 lbs Yarn.
Kit 7. This is the big one. A wrap that is more like a Robe than a Towel. Can be woven with Boucle or Chenille Filling. Each is super absorbent and give it a lush unique character. 7, 1/2 lb Tubes, 3 1/2 lbs 8/2 Cotton Yarn.
Kit 8. Popular size with a distinctive weave. Great companion to the larger Bath size or as a group. All from the popular 8/2 Cotton. 4, 1/2 lb Tubes, 2 lbs Yarn.
Kit 9. Another great mate to the larger Bath size. Larger in size than the routine Hand Towel. A group of 3 or 4 make for an impressive decor 3, 1/2 lb Tubes 8/2 Cotton with the added functionality of the absorbent 3, 1/2 lb Tubes Chenille total, 6, 1/2 lb Tubes, 3 lbs yarn.
Tell us what you would like
Suggest a favorite, well lay it out.
We are mulling this one over :)
With a note on next weeks vieo
Check out this great video
Tom Beaudet and my partner/granddaughter Noel Bollenbach on stage :)
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